Reading Eggs is a research-based online, interactive reading program that helps children learn to read...
Amazon's Audible is an amazing tool for students who may have difficulty with sounding out...
Find out how multisensory and hands-on learning helps students with autism, ADHD and other disabilities...
Sponsored by In the US, more than 1700 public and private international schools offer...
Research demonstrates the benefits of applying a multisensory approach to math instruction. A multi-sensory approach...
Teachers often report that keeping students focused on the task at hand is a challenge....
How does physical activity impact academic performance and behavior? Find out what the research says...
Should teachers call parents if students won't listen? Find what a mom and certified school...
Parents, Teachers & Counselors: Here are some sample visual schedules to use for all kids...
Disclaimer: has no affiliation with the TCI K-12 Publishing Company. As the author of...