6 Research-Based Multiplication Strategies Parents Can Try at Home

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This article has six short videos with effective, research-based strategies to help kids with multiplication (see research references at the bottom of article). The methods shown cover single-digit and multi-digit equations. Video number 2 gives great strategies for memorizing the times tables (100’s Chart) from 0 x 0 = 0 to 10 x 10 = 100. You will also find a 100’s chart at the bottom of this article that you can print for use with your child or students.
Video 1: Six Great Strategies for Teaching Single Digit Multiplication
Video 2: Amazing Video that Teaches Memory Strategies for Multiplication Facts to 100
Video 3: Helpful Strategies for Two Digit by One Digit Multiplication (Old Fashioned Method Not Included-See Videos 5 & 6 for Old Fashioned Method)
Video 4: Break Apart Strategy for Two Digit by Two Digit Multiplication Problems
Video 5: Old Fashion Algorithm Strategy for Multi-Digit by Single Digit Multiplication (with carrying over)
Video 6: Old Fashion Algorithm Strategy for Two Digit by Two Digit Multiplication (with carrying over)

Additional Information
Students with trouble remembering the steps to complete a problem may benefit from having an example in front of them while working. For instance, if they are working on solving a two digit by one digit equation, allow them to have a solved example with the steps color coded or highlighted, such as this one:

Print This Multiplication Chart to Use with Your Child or Students
Keep Your Cool
Remember to always stay calm when working with a child or student, even if you think they should be getting something that they are not getting. If you get frustrated with them, they may start to feel anxious, angry, inferior, stupid, etc. which will lead to a less productive learning session.
Keep practice sessions short (5 to 10 minutes for children who get easily frustrated and 10 to 15 minutes for children who can work for longer periods without frustration), unless the child is eager to keep going.
For suggestions on ways to encourage children to complete tasks or assignments they do not want to do, see 3 Ways to Use Timers to Encourage Homework and Chore Completion and How to Use Schedules to Improve Children’s Behavior.
If your child is significantly struggling with learning how to solve multiplication problems or acquiring other academic skills, despite consistent practice and guidance, talk to your child’s school and/or doctor.
They should be able to refer you to the appropriate professionals to determine what might be interfering with your child’s progress and what additional strategies might help.
Research References:
Developing Multiplication Fact Fluency
Seeing as Understanding: The Importance of Visual Mathematics for our Brain and Learning
The Impact Of Using Multi-Sensory Approach For Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities
Classroom Cognitive and Meta-Cognitive Strategies for Teachers
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