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1) General Contacts
- Center for Parent Information and Resources (state-by-state info on disabilities, IEP’s, special education, etc.)
- National Resources for Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Disability Resources: Where to Find Help in Your State
- National Alliance of Mental Illness
2) National Organizations for Learning Disabilities
- LD OnLine
- Learning Disabilities Association of America
- National Center for Learning Disabilities
- International Dyslexia Association
- Schwab Learning
- Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Learning Disabilities
- Council for Learning Disabilities
- Reading Rockets
3) National Organizations for Intellectual Disabilities
The Arc of the United States
800.433.5255 | |
Find a local chapter near you:
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
800.424.3688 |
The AAIDD definition manual contains the world’s most current and authoritative information on intellectual disability, including best practice guidelines on diagnosing and classifying intellectual disability and developing a system of supports for people living with an intellectual disability.
Division on Developmental Disabilities (DDD)
A division of the Council for Exceptional Children, DD offers many publications and journals for professionals.
4) Bullying Prevention
Recommended Articles:
How to End Bullying: 19 Tips for Parents and Teachers
How to End Bullying: 15 Tips for Kids
Native Monks, a website that covers over 130 languages and provides lessons to students at home by connecting them with hundreds of tutors online
Search for a Tutor for Free and Receive $20 in Free Tutoring from Wyzant!
Signs of a Learning Disability and the Next Steps to Take (With Interactive Checklist)
Milestone Checklist 6 Months Old
Milestone Checklist: One Year Old
Milestone Checklist 18 months
Milestone Checklist: Two Years Old
Milestone Checklist: Three years Old
Milestone Checklist: Five years Old
Social Stories
I Am Going to the Doctor
I Am Going to the Dentist
All About Going to School
I am Going to a Restaurant
I Hate the Word No
Reading/Writing Worksheets – For reading skills, vocabulary, grammar, and math worksheets, activities, lesson plans, and games, click the link or icon above. This site has a variety of activities to help children in these areas, although it was initially designed for English Language Learners. – Resources for teachers of young learners. All of the resources are designed to be versatile and useful in many preschool and K-6 classrooms. This site has free flashcards, printable worksheets and handouts to match, phonics worksheets, printable English as a Second Language (ESL) games, printable certificates, stickers to print, and other activities all ready for printing.
Letter Formation Worksheet (See How to Teach Children to Write Letters and Numbers with Correct Form and Positioning for more on using this worksheet)
Sentence Combining Worksheet (See Help Your Child Improve Their Writing Skills with the Sentence Combining Strategy for tips on how to use this worksheet).
Reading Worksheet-Cut Out the Words and Put them Under the Correct Image
Math Worksheets
K5Learning Math Worksheets – Math Worksheets for Grades 1 to 6 is a free resource for teachers, parents, and students.
The math worksheets are randomly and dynamically generated by their math worksheet generators. This allows you to make an unlimited number of printable math worksheets to your specifications instantly.
32 Ideas for Science Experiments at Home
Visual Schedules
After School Routine
Sample After-School Visual Schedule for Kids with Sensory Needs or Impulsive/Hyperactive Behaviors
First-Then Template
You may want to use Velcro and a Laminator to make this sturdy and reusable. See 15 Behavior Strategies for Children on the Autism Spectrum for more on using this visual countdown.
You may be interested in the following article from Auditory Processing: How does The Listening® Program Work?
You also may like this helpful parenting site:
Behavioral Tools

Printable Graphic Organizers Word Documents
See our article, How to Use Graphic Organizers to Improve Reading Comprehension, Writing, Listening, Note Taking, and Study Skills.

Story Mountain Map Graphic Organizer

Story Mountain Map – Sample Questions

Time Line Wheel Graphic Organizer

Multisensory Store

Spooky, Kid-Friendly Read-Along Story for Ages 8+
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