I Am Going to the Doctor: A Social Story for Kids About Going on a Doctor’s Appointment

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Below you will find a social story about going to the doctor, to help children prepare for check-ups/appointments. Social stories are a research-based tool used to help children prepare for real-life events. They can help ease anxiety or set expectations for behavior in certain situations. Social stories are often used for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), anxiety disorders, or for any child that may be apprehensive about an upcoming, uncomfortable or unfamiliar situation.
Feel free to Print a PDF of this story out and read it several times with your child/client (without pressure), especially during the weeks and days leading up to an appointment.
I understand that not every situation is the same. Gender and ethnicity can vary with practitioners as well as the order of events and the procedures during an appointment. Feel free to discuss this with your child/client while reading the story if you think it will help with the visit. You can also make your own story, using real pictures from your child’s or another child’s appointment or pictures from Google Images. For a fun activity, your child can draw pictures of what may happen on their own appointment that is different from this story.
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Please share this social story with others who you think may benefit.
More Social Stories:
I Am Going to the Dentist (A Story to Prepare Children for Dental Appointments)
All About Going to School (helps prepare children for the school day and the expectations in school)
I Hate the Word No (great for kids who do not respond well to the word “no”)
I am Going to a Restaurant (helps kids learn how to behave in a restaurant) Please bear with us. This story is currently in PDF view and is in the process of mobile friendly conversion.
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