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Check Out This Empowering Poem About Bullying in School

poem about bullying in school
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I Wish I Was There to Protect You – A Poem for Bullying Victims and Survivors

Thinking of my childhood, there’s so much I wish I’d known.

I’d love to go back and tell myself, now that I am grown.

I Wish I Was There to Protect You!-An Empowering Poem for Bullying Victims & Survivors

You were only nine or ten when those mean, cruel things were said.

People hit you, called you names, threw papers at your head.

You used to think to yourself, “If they only took the time to know me.”

“They would see I was a good person, generous, kind, and friendly.”

They laughed at your behavior, which was a result of your family strife.

They judged you for your clothes and hair, but didn’t know about your home life.

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If I could go back and be there for you, I’d tell you it was okay.

You don’t need to pretend you’re sick, because you’re scared of what they’ll say.

Go to school with your head held high and keep believing in yourself.

The ones who tease, laugh, and mock have their own problems and need help.

You are right; you would make a great friend; you’re funny, kind, and smart.

If they don’t see it, keep pushing forward, don’t hide in the dark.

You had so much love for yourself and were born with a heart of gold.

But the pain took its toll on you. You went down a dark and lonely road.

It took 25 years to get you to where you are today.

You have worked on your confidence and built yourself up along the way.

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I am so proud of you and I wish I could have told you then.

If I could have shared all this with you when you were only ten!

poem about bullying


Big Me

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3 thoughts on “Check Out This Empowering Poem About Bullying in School

  1. Rachel,
    Your poem brought tears to my eyes, especially as I read it and looked at the young girl in the photo. Heart wrenching, to say the very least.
    I am a bully advocate as well.
    Please see my site at:http://www.BooksThatSow.com
    My bully book, Teacher, Teacher, Can’t You See? is a story told in poetic style.
    Cherrye S. Vasquez, Ph.D.

  2. Hi Rachel,
    what a beautiful and very moving poem! My heart went out to that little 10 year old girl.
    Your poem resonated with me, having been on the receiving end of this negative behaviour, as a 10 year old immigrant!
    I’m now a teacher, and my colleague and I co-write song-based teaching resources for schools. I wrote ‘BULLY-FREE ZONE!’ to provide primary schools with a child-friendly, positive behaviours approach to dealing with unacceptable behaviour.
    If interested, I wrote a blog post about this, with a link to the video of students singing and spreading the anti-bullying message:’Bullying is NOT OK – NO WAY!’ http://tinyurl.com/agyfh6c
    Primary Teacher; Director, KEYSTONE CREATIONS ~ Educational Songs

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