This Research-Based Multisensory Reading Program Helps Struggling Students

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Reading with TLC is a multisensory reading program for students of all ages.
Teachers and parents can deliver this effective reading program digitally or through the use of hands-on materials.
Clinical evidence shows that ‘Reading with TLC’ helps students of all ages improve their reading and spelling skills through multisensory learning.
For more on the research see Reading with TLC – Research.
How is ‘Reading with TLC’ used for students?
Educators can use Reading with TLC as the core reading curriculum or as a supplement to the reading curriculum for students in grades k-2. It can also be used as an intervention program for students of all ages, including teenagers and adults.
How does ‘Reading with TLC’ keep students engaged and learning?
Reading with TLC uses an interactive, multisensory approach (i.e., see, hear, touch, do) which benefits students with various learning needs or speech/language delays or impairments.

Research shows that a multisensory approach aids in focus, as well as the retention of concepts for students.
A multisensory approach is also helpful for English Language Learners.
Reading with TLC helps students develop phonemic awareness, phonics, and sight word skills, which enhances progress in the higher-level skill areas of vocabulary, reading fluency, and comprehension.
Many students progress from learning isolated letter sounds with picture cues, to reading and spelling multisyllable words.
What materials come with Reading with TLC?
Reading with TLC has two parts, Lively Letters (Classic and New Generation) and Sight Words You Can See.

Music, pictures, hand/body cues, oral kinesthetic cues (how to move your mouth), and mnemonic stories (to aid in memory) are key features of this multisensory reading program.
Lively Letters also has an app – See Below
Sight Words You Can See builds on and uses the strong phonics-base, developed in Lively Letters.
It also adds funny stories (and pictures to help with memory), for words that don’t follow the regular rules of phonics, such as “what,” “have,” and “the.”
What do schools say about ‘Reading with TLC’?
Schools that use Reading with TLC report great improvements for students in both reading and spelling. These improvements are evident in the scores on classroom tests and standardized tests.
When used in the Response to Intervention model of instruction, schools implementing the program have reported improved reading skills for at-risk youth, and a decrease in the number of students referred for special education services.

Reading with TLC is utilized in all three tiers of the Response to Intervention model of instruction.
According to “Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tier (or multi-level) approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs. The RTI process begins with high-quality instruction and universal screening of all children in the general education classroom. Struggling learners are provided with interventions at increasing levels of intensity to accelerate their rate of learning. “

Is training needed to implement ‘Reading with TLC’?
Thousands of people have purchased the Lively Letters and Sight Words You Can See programs and have had great success, without any official training in the programs.
However, many have found it highly beneficial to attend one of the Reading with TLC seminars, where participants receive direct instruction and hands-on practice.
Reading with TLC offers off-site seminars that are open admission for all who wish to attend.
Additionally, the program authors and TLC National Trainers are available to present on-site seminars for school districts or organizations that want to bring TLC trainers to them.
Reading with TLC also offers free professional development for groups of 100 or more.
Webinars and online video-based trainings have also recently been added to the formats of professional development workshops offered by Reading with TLC.
Continuing education credits (CEU) are awarded for all Reading with TLC presentations, and American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) CEUs are offered for most of the seminars hosted by Reading with TLC.
For more on training options, see Reading with TLC: Trainings
You may also wish to review the following reading programs, geared toward younger students, and developed from research-based practices:
Education and Behavior – A site to bring parents, educators, therapists, and counselors together in order to support our children as consistently and effectively as possible.